201912 min read

Formula SAE

  • Duration ⋅ 12 months
  • Role ⋅ Frame & Body Lead
  • Contributions ⋅ Frame & Jigs Design, Overall Vehicle Planning, Team Building


This project is about discovery, teamwork, and passion. As new technology evolves much more quickly, the rapid advancement of the industry makes it harder for undergrad students to keep up. Therefore, we were hoping through this project we can closer the gap and also discover new possibilities. This project started during my junior year at NCKU, as one of the kick-off members, I had the opportunity to execute and learn end to end. It was a wild ride and a special experience for me.

The primary goal was to build a small formula-style racecar to compete in the Formula Student event, as an attempt to closer the gap between undergrad and the industry.

Event photo @ Formula Student Japan 2019
Event photo @ FS Japan 2019

Formula Student

Formula Student (or Formula SAE in some countries) is one of the biggest student events around the world, whose purpose is giving undergrad students an opportunity for practical application skills.

The teams shall think themselves as small-scale vehicle manufacturers to design, develop and produce a formula-style racecar, working on various aspects like operating, designing, manufacturing and marketing. As for now, more than 20 events and 200 teams are active around the world.

We participated in Formula Student Japan 2019, which was held at late Aug.

There are three main classes in the competition, combustion, electric and autonomous. Combustion started in the 1980s, which has the longest history and most resources, therefore it’s easiest to begin and has the largest amount of teams. Electric was introduced in the 2010s, with the increase of difficulty, resources-taken, and the issue of safety, while the project aspects are wider than combustion gasoline. Autonomous started in 2019, which is the most advanced, now teams and competitions are mostly in Europe and the US.

We aimed for electric class for broader diversity and promising trend of EV.⚡️

static inspection at formula student japan 2019.
Static inspection @ FS Japan 2019
Dynamic event at formulat student japan 2019.
Dynamic event @ FS Japan 2019
static inspection at formula student japan 2019.
Static insection @ FS Japan 2019
dynamic event at formula student 2019.
Dynamic event @ FS Japan 2019

Before We Begin

We started with getting familiar with the competition and did some research about how an entry-year team should be aiming in the first attempt. From reading the competition rules, learning from documentations, and looking for advice from experienced teams, the idea was to build up the necessary knowledge as soon as possible.

We learned that most of the team spent 1+ years for their first attempt, so setting an appropriate goal would be crucial for us. And FS is usually viewed as a degree-level project, sometimes considered a standard by the automobile industry for engineering students to transition from university to workspace. As a student-centric event, safety is undoubtedly the first concern, therefore strictness of the inspection could be imagined and it won’t be easy for first-year university and students.

At the same time, we spent time visiting other experienced team, NTHU Racing, STUST Racing, and Taipei Tech Racing. Seeing what they've built and listened to their stories taught us a lot (and realized it's going to be tough.🤞🏼)

Visiting the experienced Taipei Tech Team at July 2018.
Visiting Taipei Tech Racing @ July 2018
Early team meeting at sep 2018.
Early team meeting @ Sep 2018
Visiting NTHU Racing team at Oct 2018.
Visiting NTHU racing team @ Oct 2018
Learning the 3D modeling technique from the experienced.
Learning 3D modeling @ Dec 2018

Team Building

We started with 15 members in the team and participated in the FS event with 30 members from various departments and backgrounds. This project took 12 months to build out the vehicle, and the overall timeline was research, design, develop, test and finally participate in the race. Each subteams then had their own iterations and plans in accordance to the main timeline.

Early Stage Challenges


Both financial and material resources were we had to deal with in the first place.


The knowledge we had and what school taught us were way less than enough for us to achieve the project goals.


As a student-centric team, we didn't have much managing


Nothing but a passionate heart.

My responsibility

We started with 15 memeber in the team, and I was mainly responsible for frame design and overall vehicle planning along with other 2 members. While in the early starting phase, we all had to wear lots of hats and do whatever we could.

I started the design process by reading other teams’ design documentations, and take their result as references and inspiration. I started to do some sketches to familiarize the frame structure and ideate possible applications. After that, I began modeling using software (SolidWorks), revisited the process, made adjustments, then started over again.🔄 Few times of iterations quickly got me on track and moved on to the bigger iteration with different subteams. Discussing, modifying, and iterating became routine until the end of the design phase (technically it’s the end of the season😅).

For me, designing a frame is more like figuring out a way to integrate all components onto the vehicle with different subteams. Therefore it’s essential to know the basics of the components on the vehicle.

Early attempt of frame structure sketches.
Early attempt of frame structure sketches.
Whole car final side view drawing.
Final rendering of frame structure and jigs.

Design Phase

The design phase were composed of tons of discussions and meetings. And frequent discussions kept everyone on the same page, so when there’s a change or idea, it could be quickly implemented. It was more important for a starting team like us to quickly iterate different approach to find a suitable one for the project goal. Furthermore, it’s a must to understand why the modifications were needed, and be aware of other subteams’ goals and constraints. For short, it's to discuss the implementaions, and understand the needs and iterate.

Development Phase

Even though the purpose of the event is to let students develop the vehicles on their own, it might be a challenges regarding to complex or high prcision components. Reaching out to local corporations let us know practical applications being used right now. And we also learned that been designed and ready to develop are two things, there are many prerequisites like drawing, material, timeline confirmation before getting into development. Working with the industry taught us more about professional workflow, and also started to understand the industry standards. Really appreciate the assistance and advice every company gave.

Polishing the bodywork mold.
Assebling accumulator container.
Jigs were being weld.
Frame was being weld.
Battery cells assembly
Coloring frame and other part of body.
Modifying frame structure.
First time the frame and suspension system was assembled.

Before Competition

Before getting into the competition, teams have to submit a video of the vehicle in operation (Shakedown Certificate). In a way to make sure teams are ready for the competition. If the teams couldn't pass Shakedown Certificate, they will only be able to join the static event of the competition. As for the vehicle transportation from Taiwan to Japan, we needed to make sure the packaing and documentation were fully prepared. These procedures seemed trivial but turned out to be lessons in the operational side.

Packaging the vehicle to be transported to testing site.
Vehicle transportation to testing site
Completion of the shakedown certificate.
Completion of the shakedown certificate
Testing before the vehicle transportation to Japan.
Testing before transportation to Japan.
Group photo taken at the testing site.
Pre-competition testing
Packaging the vehicle to be transported.
Vehicle packaging before transportation to competition site

FS Japan 2019

Formula Student Japan 2019 was held at late August, with a total 98 teams participating from around the world. And there were 4 teams from Taiwan and total 27 electric vehicles competing. The event was 5 days long, the first 3 days were Static Event and last 2 were Dynamic.

Vehicle Examination

The schedule of the event is quite tight, the team would have to quickly get through all the Static Events in order to join the Dynamic. We as a first-year team, needed to get familiar with the event and also made sure the vehicle is operating correctly. As we progress step by step, we were stuck at the end of examination and therefore missed the deadline to get into the dynamic events. But we still succed to pass all the examinations before the event ended.

Static Events

Static events are more about how and why we built the vehicle and what the business plan was. There are Design, Cost, Business Presentation in the static events.

Dynamic Events

Dynamic events are about understanding the performance the vehicle. There are Acceleration, Skid-pad, Autocross, Endurance and Efficiency in the dynamic events.

Vehicle unpacking at the competition site.
unpacking at the competition site
Preparation at the team pit.
Prepartion for the event at team pit
Static electrical inspection.
Static electrical inspection ⚡️
Static technical inspection.
Static technical inspection 🔧
Cost report in the static event.
Static cost event
Moving the vehicle to site for brake test.
Inspection - Brake test
Driver escaping test.
Inspection - Driver escaping test
Vehicle tilt test.
Inspection - Vehicle tilt test
Rain test for electric system.
Inspection - Rain test


First FS racecar

The first FS racecar buillt in NCKU, and the first participation in FS event.

The first formula student racecar built in NCKU.


The second team to pass the vehicle examination for electric class in Taiwan. 🏁

Putting the sticker onto the car as a representation of passing the inspeciton

The team

Establishment of a multidisciplinary team. 🔥

Team photo shot at competition site.
Photos of four teams from taiwan at the competition site.
Team Taiwan (NTU Racing - Taipei Tech - NCKU Formula Racing - NTHU Racing)


It's a very interesting experience for me, and I learned a lot from many aspects, some of them are,


The knowledge and tool were mostly new (or unfamiliar) to us, thus learning by ourselves became basic skill we must have. It can be said that learning is one of the core reasons this project exists.

Cross-division Collaboration

It’s impossible to have these great achievements without teamwork, collaboration between members with different backgrounds is essential behind these results.